The craft of costuming and fabrication can transcend time and space. These projects include hand-made pieces featuring sewing, weathering, puppetry, and building with a variety of materials.
Leshen monster
Slavic forest creature, inspired by the Witcher III game. The suit body, and articulated hand puppets were constructed with EVA foam, including weathered fabrics and plant material. The full build stood around 7 feet tall!
Weathering cloth to look muddy and worn.
Gluing moss onto the painted boots.
Adding “wood” strips to the hand puppet base with EVA foam.
Hand puppet before painting.
Cecil the Faun
Original character design, featuring hand-sewn fur legs, horn crown, and SPFX makeup. Hoof bases done by Chaos Costumes.
Prosthetic ears for different faun characters.
Showing some interior padding to bulk out the front of the knee.
Characters from the Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance series. Featuring hand-painted fabrics, sewing, and weathering. Of course I had to make a Fizzgig puppet too!
Creating custom patterns.
Weathering the outer coat with an airbrush.
Fizzgig’s mouth plates, made with epoxy clay and acrylic paint.
Securing Fizzgig’s mouth plates to the furry puppet body.
Bard cosplay from the Witcher, sewn and custom dyed.
Boiling and dying fabrics to get the right shade of blue.
Working out the lace detailing for the doublet (hard mode).
SpaceX IVA suit and helmet
Helmet is made from EVA foam and window-tint film.
Pinning the side panels on the suit top.
EVA foam base stricture for the helmet.
IKEA Jumpsuit
Made from plastic IKEA bags. Very crunchy.
Cut out pattern pieces, made of IKEA bag.
Attempting to sew plastic (somewhat successful).
Coraline puppet replica
Replica of the Coraline puppet from Laika Studios. Made from clay, and a rubber glove for the coat.
Whale puppet model
Interactive whale puppet made mostly from EVA foam and wire. Created for a proof-of-concept exhibit that allows guests to learn about the natural world using hands-on puppety.
Dinosaur sculpted out of clay, using custom texture stamps. Cast in Smooth-On silicone with liquid plastic.